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Ground-based Object Manipulation

Published by Josh Spires on 01 February, 2022, updated on 09 June, 2023.

Ground-based Object Manipulation

A major reason landborne robots haven't taken over many of the highly repeatable tasks is due to not being able to easily manipulate objects. This changes with Spot and its robotic arm. Humans are no longer needed to small highly repeatable tasks that could place them in dangerous situations.

How does ground-based object manipulation work?

  1. Spot is programmed with a set of tasks that need to be completed around the site. Once complete, Spot is triggered to start the tasks based on a number of customisable variables.
  2. Spot completes all the tasks autonomously, getting better at each one every time it completes it.
  3. Once Spot verifies all the tasks have been complete, it returns back to its base station to charge and get ready for the next mission.

Benefits of using landborne robots

  • Highly repeatable tasks can be handed over to Spot autonomously, making them into a robotic routine that no longer must be thought about.
  • Humans are completely removed from dangerous environments increasing workplace safety.
  • Humans can be given higher level tasks that make better use of time, improving efficiency.

Image: Boston Dynamics

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